Course description

In this e-learning course, you will discover the essence of Corporate Governance, dissect the 'Comply-or-Explain' regime, and learn about the pivotal role of the board in ensuring transparency and accountability. Gain insights into managing conflicts of interest, fostering shareholder engagement, and upholding ethical standards. Start your journey in navigating regulatory landscapes and fostering a culture of integrity and sustainable growth in corporate governance.

What will I learn?

  • Explain the concept of the
  • Evaluate governance structures, practices, and policies within organisations
  • Evaluate the implications for corporate integrity using scenarios involving conflicts of interest and interested person transactions
  • Assess the effectiveness of shareholder rights and engagement mechanisms in promoting transparency, accountability, and value creation within organisations
  • Develop strategies for enhancing board effectiveness and accountability within the framework of Corporate Governance


  • NA

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Yes, a Certificate of Completion will be issued to you on your ISCA e-services account.

Yes, you have unlimited access to view the videos until your subscription expires. However, CPE Hours will only be recorded after the first completion of each course.

Some courses may include PDF files or other documents are recommended for download. Videos and e-learning files are not available for download on our platform.

ISCA Academy

Victor Lai

FCA (Singapore), Member, ISCA Corporate Governance and Risk Management Committee, Principal Consultant, CitadelCorp

Victor has over 22 years of professional experience in Corporate Advisory, Share Registry, Auditing, Executive Management and Board Advisory matters - with a focus on Capital Markets in Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and USA. He has led and advised on Board and Corporate Governance matters, supporting many listed-entities and large-privately-owned business with their Corporate Actions. Victor also has extensive experience in AML-CFT regulatory compliance, having served as the Industry Sector representative for Global Regulatory reviews.

2 CPE Hours



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