Course description

Explore the intricate ecosystem of public companies, gaining insights into the regulatory framework governed by SGX Listing Rules. Delve into the ongoing obligations of directors in SGX-listed entities, mastering strategies to achieve and maximise board effectiveness. From understanding the nuances of board dynamics to fostering cohesive teamwork and strategic decision-making, you will equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to drive organisational success.

What will I learn?

  • Explain the key provisions of SGX Listing Rules
  • Explain the importance of achieving and maintaining compliance with SGX Listing Rules
  • Evaluate factors influencing board effectiveness
  • Examine the relationship between board effectiveness and organisational outcomes
  • Implement strategies to fulfill regulatory obligations effectively


  • NA

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Yes, a Certificate of Completion will be issued to you in your ISCA eservices account upon completion of all 8 BOD Masterclass E-Learning Modules. Please login to your ISCA eservices account at (sidebar: My Course & Events --> My Certificates --> My Boardflix Certificates) to view/download the certificate.

Yes, you have unlimited access to the videos/lessons for 6 months upon registration of the BOD Masterclass, or the launch of the BOD Masterclass e-learning contents, whichever is later. However, CPE hours will only be recorded once after the first completion of each course.

Some courses may include PDF files or other documents are recommended for download. Videos and e-learning files are not available for download on our platform.

ISCA Academy

Mui Hui Tan

Deputy Head, Capital Markets, Partner, Rajah & Tann Singapore

Mui Hui's experience includes initial public offerings and listing of securities on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited, as well as overseas exchanges, including NYSE and the HKEx. She is also well versed in secondary listings, secondary fund raisings, as well as pre-IPO fund raising exercises involving listed and private companies. With a firm grounding of the regulatory requirements, the ability to problem solve and anticipate market trends, Mui Hui has successfully led listings of novel structures on the SGX-ST, such as the first listing of a variable interest entity structure on the SGX-ST (GHY Culture & Media), as well as listings by way of other non-traditional listing methods, such as listing by way of introduction. This has significantly paved the way for the onset of secondary listings, which are typically implemented through listings by introduction on the SGX-ST.

Celine Ooi

Senior Manager, Investor Relations and Communications, SAC Capital Pte Ltd

Charles Poon

Co-Founder and Chief Products Officer at Handshakes

Charles Poon has been involved in various parts of the Singapore capital market for the last 20 years. He started his career with Singapore Exchange Ltd (“SGX”) in 2000 and had been involved in all facets of the business from listing promotion to issuer regulation. In 2011, Charles left SGX to start Handshakes with fellow SGX-colleague.Currently, Charles helms as Co-Founder and Chief Products Officer at Handshakes. Charles is also a member of the Catalist Approval Committee of SAC Capital Private Limited and an Independent Director with Ryde Group, a Singapore company listed on NYSE American in April 2024.  

Linda Hoon

Independent Director, Tru-Marine and Kidney Dialysis Foundation Singapore

Linda is an independent director at Lifebrandz Limited (SGX 1D3), Far East Group Limited (SGX5TJ), Tru-Marine Pte Ltd and Kidney Dialysis Foundation, Singapore  with over 30 years of corporate experience in legal, compliance, risk, and governance. She has a Master of Laws from National University of Singapore and a Master of Science in Management of Healthcare Industries from ESSEC Business School. She is also a member of the Singapore Institute of Directors and the Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia.As an independent director, Linda assists in the oversight of strategy, remuneration matters, stakeholder engagement, and ESG & sustainability programs for both organizations. She chairs the Remuneration Committee of Lifebrandz and Far East Group, as well as chairs the ESG committee of Tru-Marine. She is passionate about corporate governance and seeks to contribute to exemplary standards of corporate and sustainability governance to companies she serves.

Chris Bennet

Director, BPA Australasia Pte Ltd

Chris Bennett is an experienced director, senior executive, researcher, and teacher/facilitator with significant international exposure. He has lived and worked in 6 countries, held directorships in 13 large British and American companies (and senior managerial responsibilities in more than 20 companies) in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and the Americas.He is now focused on research, writing, and facilitation/teaching. His interests are centred around how corporate governance is impacted by human behaviour as it occurs in Boards and Top Management Teams, with a particular interest in how these factors mani- fest in different cultures, and in complex company groups.

5 CPE Hours



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